Synonyms for pasteurized
Grammar : Adj, noun, verb |
Spell : pas-chuh-rahyz, pas-tuh- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpæs tʃəˌraɪz, ˈpæs tə- |
Top 10 synonyms for pasteurized Other synonyms for the word pasteurized
- alter
- antisepticize
- aseptic
- autoclave
- bare
- chalk
- change
- clean
- condensed
- dead
- decontaminated
- desert
- desexualize
- disinfected
- dry
- effete
- emasculate
- empty
- evaporated
- fallow
- fix
- formula
- fruitless
- fumigate
- futile
- gaunt
- geld
- germ-free
- goat
- half-and-half
- homogenized
- hygienic
- immaculate
- impotent
- incapacitate
- infecund
- infertile
- intemerate
- laiche
- low fat
- make sterile
- moo juice
- neuter
- pasteurize
- pasteurized
- powdered
- pristine
- purified
- purify
- raw
- refined
- sanitary
- sanitize
- septic
- skim
- snowy
- spay
- spotless
- stainless
- sterile
- sterilized
- taintless
- two-percent
- unadulterated
- unblemished
- uncreative
- undebased
- unfruitful
- unimaginative
- uninfected
- uninspired
- uninventive
- unoriginal
- unpolluted
- unprofitable
- unprolific
- unsex
- unsoiled
- unspotted
- unstained
- unsullied
- untainted
- untarnished
- vain
- waste
- whole
- wholesome
- without issue
Définition of pasteurized
Origin :- 1881, with -ize, after Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French chemist and bacteriologist, who invented the process of heating food, milk, wine, etc., to kill most of the micro-organisms in it; distinguished from sterilization, which involves killing all of them. The surname is literally "Pastor." Related: Pasteurized; pasteurizing.
- As in pure : adj clean, uncontaminated
- As in sterile : adj unproductive, clean
- As in sanitized : adj sterile
- As in uncreative : adj sterile
- As in uninventive : adj sterile
- As in milk : noun liquid produced by mammals
- As in sterilize : verb make clean or unproductive
- As in spay : verb sterilize
- As in unsex : verb sterilize
- If there is any doubt of the cleanliness, the milk should be pasteurized.
- Extract from : « Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Management » by Ministry of Education
- Pasteurized milk should not be kept more than a couple of days.
- Extract from : « Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Management » by Ministry of Education
- Milk may be preserved for several days if "pasteurized" or "sterilized."
- Extract from : « The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI) » by Various
- After the specific amount has been selected, this milk should be pasteurized.
- Extract from : « The Book of Cheese » by Charles Thom and Walter Warner Fisk
- The bottles of milk to be pasteurized are hung in the water in the barrel.
- Extract from : « The Book of Cheese » by Charles Thom and Walter Warner Fisk
- This was caused by a diet of pasteurized milk and dehydrated vegetables.
- Extract from : « Scurvy Past and Present » by Alfred Fabian Hess
- These are the preparation of sterilized and Pasteurized milk.
- Extract from : « Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, September 1899 » by Various
- It is of vital importance when the milk must be pasteurized.
- Extract from : « Physiology » by Ernest G. Martin
- If we are not certain of its purity or keeping qualities, it should be pasteurized at home.
- Extract from : « A Civic Biology » by George William Hunter
- The cream is then pasteurized and aerated to expel the odors as much as possible.
- Extract from : « Outlines of dairy bacteriology » by H. L. Russell
Antonyms for pasteurized
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019