Synonyms for worthless

Grammar : Adj
Spell : wurth-lis
Phonetic Transcription : ˈwɜrθ lɪs

Top 10 synonyms for worthless Other synonyms for the word worthless

Définition of worthless

Origin :
  • 1580s, from worth (1) + -less. Related: Worthlessly; worthlessness.
  • adj of no use; without value
Example sentences :
  • Perhaps you were taken in by that worthless man, for a real marriage it could not be.
  • Extract from : « Night and Morning, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • Even Shakspere could not keep the love of a worthless woman.
  • Extract from : « A Dish Of Orts » by George MacDonald
  • Compared to this, all the other proofs of freedom are worthless or weak.
  • Extract from : « Initiation into Philosophy » by Emile Faguet
  • All the other proofs of God are weak or worthless beside this one.
  • Extract from : « Initiation into Philosophy » by Emile Faguet
  • Without that rootless, worthless, devilish fancy, I might have been no worse than other people!
  • Extract from : « Salted With Fire » by George MacDonald
  • The Spaniards had passed by the best parts of North America as worthless.
  • Extract from : « Introductory American History » by Henry Eldridge Bourne
  • Think you that Vivian Grey could be crushed by such a worthless thing as you?
  • Extract from : « Vivian Grey » by Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli
  • I have sought not an ideal, but an ambition––a worthless thing.
  • Extract from : « A Breath of Prairie and other stories » by Will Lillibridge
  • And if they did, what can We, their worthless descendants do for them now?
  • Extract from : « The Book of Khalid » by Ameen Rihani
  • Had the servant been the most worthless of her sex she could not have been more bitterly upbraided.
  • Extract from : « The Fat and the Thin » by Emile Zola

Antonyms for worthless

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019