Synonyms for judicial executions
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of judicial executions
- As in death penalty : noun execution of a condemned person
Words or expressions associated with your search
- account executive
- adjudicate
- adjudication
- adjudicator
- adjudicature
- be prejudiced
- exec
- execrable
- execrate
- execration
- execute
- executed
- executes
- executing
- execution
- executioner
- executive
- executive branch
- executive committee
- executive mansion
- executive suite
- executives
- executor
- financial executive
- in executable
- in execution
- in executive session
- in judicious
- in judiciously
- injudicious
- injudiciously
- injudiciousness
- judi
- judicable
- judicatory
- judicature
- judicial
- judicial execution
- judicial murder
- judicial officer
- judicially
- judiciary
- judicious
- judiciously
- judiciousness
- mass execution
- prejudice
- prejudiced
- prejudiced person
- prejudicial
- race prejudice
- sub judice
- unexecuted
- unprejudiced
- unprejudicedness
- without prejudice
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