Synonyms for acrostic
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : uh-kraw-stik, uh-kros-tik |
Phonetic Transcription : əˈkrɔ stɪk, əˈkrɒs tɪk |
Définition of acrostic
Origin :- short poem in which the initial letters of the lines, taken in order, spell a word or phrase, 1580s, from Medieval Latin acrostichis, from Greek akrostikhis, from akros "at the end, outermost" (see acrid) + stikhos "line of verse," literally "row" (see stair).
- noun puzzle
- Sense or nonsense, just as you please, so as it shows us what an acrostic is.
- Extract from : « Tip Lewis and His Lamp » by Pansy
- In an acrostic the beginnings of the lines are arranged in order.
- Extract from : « Tip Lewis and His Lamp » by Pansy
- The answer to the acrostic is “mantrap”; the missing rhyme is “mishap.”
- Extract from : « Marge Askinforit » by Barry Pain
- But then in the hands of Swinburne an acrostic would cease to be artificial.
- Extract from : « Figures of Several Centuries » by Arthur Symons
- But there is no more trace of acrostic structure in x. till ver.
- Extract from : « The Expositor's Bible: The Psalms, Vol. 1 » by A. Maclaren
- It is not only the exigencies of the acrostic which determine the order in ver.
- Extract from : « The Expositor's Bible: The Psalms, Vol. 1 » by A. Maclaren
- Marked progress of thought is not to be looked for in an acrostic psalm.
- Extract from : « The Expositor's Bible: The Psalms, Vol. 1 » by A. Maclaren
- I must show you an acrostic that a gentleman—he was a lieutenant in the 53rd—made upon it.
- Extract from : « Wives and Daughters » by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
- Unlike its predecessors, the fifth and last elegy is not an acrostic.
- Extract from : « Expositor's Bible: The Song of Solomon » by Walter Adeney
- Next is a copy of an acrostic epitaph from Tewkesbury Abbey.
- Extract from : « Curious Epitaphs » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acroamatic
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- acrobatics
- acronym
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- across board
- across the board
- across-the-board
- across the counter
- across the sea
- across the street
- acrostic
- came across
- come across
- come across with
- cut across
- get across
- jump across
- jumps across
- macrocosm
- macrocosmos
- macrology
- macroscopic
- macroseism
- rest across
- run across
- sacrosanct
- sacrosanctity
- stamp across
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