Synonyms for jinxed

Grammar : Verb
Spell : jingks
Phonetic Transcription : dʒɪŋks

Définition of jinxed

Origin :
  • 1911, American English, originally baseball slang; perhaps ultimately from jyng "a charm, a spell" (17c.), originally "wryneck," a bird used in witchcraft and divination, from Latin iynx "wryneck," from Greek iynx.
  • Most mysterious of all in the psychics of baseball is the "jinx," that peculiar "hoodoo" which affects, at times, a man, at other times a whole team. Let a man begin to think that there is a "jinx" about, and he is done for for the time being. ["Technical World Magazine," 1911]
  • The verb is 1912 in American English, from the noun. Related: Jinxed; jinxing.
  • verb curse
Example sentences :
  • There was not a man in the Academy who would set foot inside the "jinxed" ship.
  • Extract from : « Sabotage in Space » by Carey Rockwell

Antonyms for jinxed

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019