Synonyms for growing

Grammar : Adj
Spell : groh-ing
Phonetic Transcription : ˈgroʊ ɪŋ

Top 10 synonyms for growing Other synonyms for the word growing

Définition of growing

Origin :
  • Old English, present participle adjective from grow (v.). Growing season is attested from 1729; growing pains by 1752.
  • adj increasing
Example sentences :
  • You see, Uncle Paul, you are growing old and forgetful, and might lock me in again.
  • Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
  • And Dick is growing more and more wretched about it every day.
  • Extract from : « Viviette » by William J. Locke
  • She was silent with emotion when Mrs. Hancock told her she was growing like her mother.
  • Extract from : « Life and Death of Harriett Frean » by May Sinclair
  • It had a conversational way of brightening and growing dull.
  • Extract from : « Way of the Lawless » by Max Brand
  • Such knowledge as each man has of himself is that of a growing entity.
  • Extract from : « The Conquest of Fear » by Basil King
  • A vague unrest and dissatisfaction with her Christian experience were growing on her.
  • Extract from : « Ester Ried Yet Speaking » by Isabella Alden
  • Mary went with him quite unafraid, though now with a growing curiosity.
  • Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
  • Burke helped to save the situation from the growing tenseness.
  • Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
  • Garson was growing stronger, since at last the crisis was upon him.
  • Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
  • The peril about him was growing—growing, and it was a deadly peril!
  • Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana

Antonyms for growing

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