Synonyms for accomplish

Grammar : Verb
Spell : uh-kom-plish
Phonetic Transcription : əˈkɒm plɪʃ

Top 10 synonyms for accomplish Other synonyms for the word accomplish

Définition of accomplish

Origin :
  • late 14c., from Old French acompliss-, present participle stem of acomplir "to fulfill, fill up, complete" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *accomplere, from Latin ad- "to" (see ad-) + complere "fill up" (see complete (adj.)). Related: Accomplished; accomplishing.
  • verb succeed in doing
Example sentences :
  • The tasks we face are difficult, and we can accomplish them only if we work together.
  • Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
  • How the teams were to accomplish this, it was painful to consider.
  • Extract from : « Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia » by Thomas Mitchell
  • It is the aim of the present dissertation to accomplish this.
  • Extract from : « The Dramatic Values in Plautus » by Wilton Wallace Blancke
  • No, but doesn't it seem as though we ought to be able to accomplish so much?
  • Extract from : « Ester Ried Yet Speaking » by Isabella Alden
  • This is an operation too difficult for a weak force to accomplish.
  • Extract from : « The Story of the Malakand Field Force » by Sir Winston S. Churchill
  • But soldiers will accomplish a good deal to get nearer the enemy.
  • Extract from : « The Story of the Malakand Field Force » by Sir Winston S. Churchill
  • My ambition was excited to deserve his friendship, and to accomplish his predictions.
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 4 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
  • But they did accomplish the journey, and that in nineteen days.
  • Extract from : « In the Valley » by Harold Frederic
  • Great skill was required to accomplish this surely and gracefully.
  • Extract from : « English Villages » by P. H. Ditchfield
  • Could I but accomplish this object, I should feel I had not written in vain.
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 9 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth

Antonyms for accomplish

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019