Synonyms for abstemious

Grammar : Adj
Spell : ab-stee-mee-uhs
Phonetic Transcription : æbˈsti mi əs

Top 10 synonyms for abstemious Other synonyms for the word abstemious

Définition of abstemious

Origin :
  • c.1600, from Latin abstemius "sober, temperate," from ab(s)- "from" (see ab-) + stem of temetum "strong drink," related to temulentus "drunken." Technically, of liquor, but extended in Latin to temperance in living generally. Related: Abstemiously; abstemiousness.
  • adj restraining behavior or appetite
Example sentences :
  • He was however naturally of an abstemious and recluse disposition.
  • Extract from : « Imogen » by William Godwin
  • For several years he was so abstemious that he had eaten but one meal a day.
  • Extract from : « Henry IV, Makers of History » by John S. C. Abbott
  • I knew he was of abstemious habit or I should have thought he had been drinking.
  • Extract from : « The Moon and Sixpence » by W. Somerset Maugham
  • All through their lives they should be most careful and abstemious in their diet.
  • Extract from : « Palmistry for All » by Cheiro
  • This, with good reason, is attributed to their abstemious lives.
  • Extract from : « Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why » by Martha M. Allen
  • In his early days Mr. Furnival had been essentially an abstemious man.
  • Extract from : « Orley Farm » by Anthony Trollope
  • Abstemious in herself, and in apparel void of all vain ornaments.
  • Extract from : « No Cross, No Crown » by William Penn
  • The habits of the king were abstemious, an example which his sons disregarded.
  • Extract from : « Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England » by Richard Valpy French
  • Born in 1440 he was of abstemious and frugal habits and lived till 1533.
  • Extract from : « The Story of Nuremberg » by Cecil Headlam
  • He was most abstemious too at all his meals, and never tasted meat.
  • Extract from : « Insula Sanctorum et Doctorum » by John Healy

Antonyms for abstemious

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