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Synonyms for tailgate

Grammar : Verb
Spell : teyl-geyt
Phonetic Transcription : ˈteɪlˌgeɪt

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Définition of tailgate

Origin :
  • 1868, back panel on a wagon, hinged to swing down and open, from tail (n.) + gate (n.). Extended by 1950 to hatchback door on an automobile. The verb meaning "to drive too close behind another vehicle" is from 1951; tailgate party "party or picnic at the open tail-gate of a parked car" is attested from 1961.
  • As in accompany : verb go or be with something
  • As in drive : verb moving, controlling a vehicle
  • As in follow : verb trail, pursue physically
Example sentences :
  • The hounds were snapping furiously as they tried to leap over the tailgate.
  • Extract from : « Collectivum » by Mike Lewis
  • On the tailgate was spread, three times a day, the jolly good meals that pioneer mothers knew how to cook.
  • Extract from : « Strange Stories of the Great Valley » by Abbie Johnston Grosvenor
  • There was a tailgate lowered, forming a ramp; above it, the huge double doors opened on a cavern of blackness.
  • Extract from : « Security » by Poul William Anderson

Antonyms for tailgate

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019