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Synonyms for re-counted

Grammar : Adj, verb
Spell : verb ree-kount; noun ree-kount, ree-kount
Phonetic Transcription : verb riˈkaʊnt; noun ˈriˌkaʊnt, riˈkaʊnt

Top 10 synonyms for re-counted Other synonyms for the word re-counted

Définition of re-counted

  • As in narrative : adj storylike, chronological
  • As in oral : adj spoken
  • As in reported : adj stated
  • As in itemize : verb keep detailed record
  • As in mention : verb refer to
  • As in narrate : verb describe, detail
  • As in present : verb introduce; demonstrate
  • As in recapitulate : verb go over something again
  • As in recite : verb read out loud; narrate
  • As in recount : verb tell a story
  • As in rehearse : verb prepare for performance
  • As in relate : verb give an account of
  • As in report : verb communicate information, knowledge
  • As in reproduce : verb make more copies of
  • As in state : verb declare, assert
  • As in tell : verb narrate, describe
  • As in voice : verb express opinion; put into words
  • As in cite : verb note, quote
  • As in cover : verb describe in published writing
  • As in describe : verb explain in speech, writing
  • As in detail : verb specify, make clear
  • As in develop : verb unfold; be made known
  • As in allege : verb assert; claim
  • As in enumerate : verb list, count
Example sentences :
  • As soon as the money was all re-counted, and a note made of it, Mr Wilson asked me what I wished that he should do with it.
  • Extract from : « Poor Jack » by Frederick Marryat
  • They counted and re-counted, and made the air blue with dire threats, wondering who had sold out, but no "Judas" could be found.
  • Extract from : « History of Linn County Iowa » by Luther A. Brewer
  • As soon as the money was all re-counted, and a note made of it, Mr. Wilson asked me what I wished that he should do with it.
  • Extract from : « Poor Jack » by Frederick Marryat
  • He took it from Baggs' hand, re-counted it with an unfailing touch, and gave back a half.
  • Extract from : « The Happy End » by Joseph Hergesheimer

Antonyms for re-counted

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019