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Synonyms for parses

Grammar : Verb
Spell : pahrs, pahrz
Phonetic Transcription : pɑrs, pɑrz

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Définition of parses

Origin :
  • 1550s, "to state the parts of speech in a sentence," verb use of Middle English pars (n.) "part of speech" (c.1300), from Old French pars, plural of part "part," from Latin pars (see part (n.)) in school question, Quae pars orationis? "What part of speech?" Transferred (non-grammatical) use is from 1788. Pars was a common plural of part (n.) in early Middle English. Related: Parsed; parsing.
  • As in construe : verb deduce; explain
  • As in examine : verb analyze, test
  • As in analyze : verb break down to components

Antonyms for parses

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